Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jumpin' Out the Gym

Growing up did you ever wish you could dunk?

In order to increase your jumping ability you need to be able to create more power. As you may or may not know, power is the rate at which work can be performed. What this means is that first you must increase your force output, then you must increase the distance at which you are applying the force, and finally you must decrease the time over which the movement is performed.

Now, down to what you actually care about! Here is how to increase you vertical jumping ability:

Quad Strength
The best way to do this is by increasing your squat strength. When you do squats, your going to want to go down to at least 90 degrees. Also, you might want to incorporate single leg squats on a machine to evenly distribute the strength between both legs. Keep your reps pretty low, around 6-10 reps, because your trying to increase your total strength and power.

Calf Strength
Surprisingly, this is oftentimes overlooked when wanting to increase your vertical jump, but your calves are critical to the process, giving your body its final propulsion into the air. Ironically, this is actually pretty easy to train. When working calves, shoot for 10-15 reps, as they tend to require more volume in order to grow.  Make sure you get a really deep stretch on the bottom and pause for a second at the top of the movement, this will enable you to engage your entire calf. Standing calf raises, seated calf raises, and calf presses will be enough to increase the strength of your calves.

Hamstring strength
Lying leg curls and seated leg curls for 5-7 reps will increase the strength  of your hamstrings. You do not necessarily need to prioritize your hamstrings, but you should be concerned with the entire leg in order to really benefit yourself as much as possible.


Often overlooked, flexibility provides leverage for your legs when jumping. It is important to increase your flexibility in your quads, hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors. Make sure to leave static stretching till after your workout and perform dynamic stretches before your workout.

Jumping Skills
Perform this on separate days of weight training.

Lunge jump: Start in a lunge position, then jump in the air and switch legs.
Box Jumps: Jump onto something a foot or two high, then jump off and continue.
Ankle hop: Jump with only your calves! So, don't bend your knees and try to jump onto something small using only your calves.
Stationary jumps: Jump as high in the air as you can, try to bring your knees to your chest.
Single leg jumps: Similar to the lunge jump, but your actually moving forward and only one leg is on the ground at a time.
If you introduce this routine, incorporating 3 days dedicated to lifting and 3 days for jumping drills, you'll be dunking in no time!

-Fazoo Fitness

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